It has been one year. We lost our beloved Bozidar Djurica, just by physically. A great person for whom there were no limits to humanity, a spiritual healer who moved the terrestrial boundaries by reaching the levels of eternity. With his large heart, youthful cheerfulness of his spirit and warm penetrating eyes, full of joy of life, he brought peace, serenity and joy into our lives. He was a selfless friend, teacher of life, author of teachings on life-cosmic energy, a therapist who helped many to recover from diseases that many believe to be incurable. For us, who witnessed the results of his work with use of life-cosmic energy, he was a saint. However, he would not agree with that, modestly saying that anybody who deserves it may, after investing sufficient efforts, master and correctly apply these rules. He was and will remain a Gift of God (this is what his name Božidar means in Montenegrin).
He did not wish to be famous or involved in esoteric or psychological popularism, but to seek the truth, spiritual knowledge, which he was developing as a hobby over five decades. He was not accthe majority in his environment and turbulent time, but that is no wonder to us, since spiritually undeveloped members of the western civilisation are not able to comprehend the state of developed consciousness, which enabled him to work at the level of souls.
He respected achievements of others, but – determined to do good – he remained free and independent in his authentic activities. As he put it, any conscious and well-intended work brings results of good quality. Going through pain and suffering with deep compassion, he walked proudly and persistently his way. Exposing himself to additional risks, he self-sacrificingly helped everybody and provided assistance to those who sought it, even those who did not accept him and who mocked him. He fought against evil that prevents many people from living a normal life and tried in every step of the way to neutralise it and save individuals from their own or another’s evil. What was the most important to him was that everybody is healthy and happy. This is the essence of his greatness. He brought light to every life he touched. Love, sincerity and fairness characterised his attitude towards any being.
Before we met him, we looked but did not see, we felt but did not know. He helped us to get to known ourselves and the universal truth. He brought us out of the darkness, showing us the light at the end of the tunnel. Today, we are better people because of him, aware that we must respect the laws of nature. He was like a father to us. We were looking forward to each meeting with him, as each such meeting was beneficial. He did not give advice, but enabled the patients trough discussing with them, by provoking them and warning them while applying therapy to see the truth and resolve the problem and health issues themselves from a healthy perspective and by using clean energy.
He selflessly shared his discoveries on life-cosmic energy, defining its characteristics at his high final level of reincarnation. In his books, he explained the spiritual rules the use of which re-enables the receipt of cosmic energy needed for life on Earth in all forms. He worked systematically and experimentally according to scientific principles to establish the laws. He was a genius. He approached every work, task or hobby with care, with excellence and as a teacher, all from technical sciences, amateur radio operating, cryptology, sailing on old and modern sailing boats, surfing, collecting, construction, history, politics, psychology and writing.
His works, created in cooperation with the laws of nature, are simple and eternal. His five books on existence and healing opened the door to secret findings of the new era of the 21st century.
After completing the Kotor secondary school, he lived and worked in Slovenia and Montenegro. However, he communicated with the entire world. As he was saying, if you wish to know the world, you must sit in one place. For us, his students, this was sudden, although he announced it. He knew that his soul had completed his tasks on Earth. He is buried in his native Dobrota, in his beloved Boka.
He will remain in our hearts and thoughts for ever. More than ever, his instructive words and jokes are heard. We will remember him for his tender smile, nice blue eyes, warm hands, safe hug and feeling of unconditional protection that he emanated.
Thank you for everything. Forgive us for anything that was not right. Let peace be with you.
Your thankful patients and students and all whom you helped and inspired with unconditional love.